Monday, May 31, 2010

3 years: Creek Festival again

We've gone to all 3 days of the Creek Festival since you're in love with the kids area. Some photos from yesterday and today...

Spinning the wheel at the Boulder Running Company Memorial Day Sale

You finally got to ride the were so excited!

Waiting for the other kiddos to get on

You got a little friend to ride with you

Off you go

Best ride at the festival

After the festival we headed over to Jill's Restaurant because they were having a pasta bar for Bolder Boulder runners. Up above is some of the desserts we got

You didn't want to take a just wanted to...

Eat that cupcake!

All the streets downtown were closing for the Bolder Boulder race the next day

Pretty flowers on the walk home

You "eating" grapes. At Jill's they had grapes on the dessert table but you ate them all so Daddy asked one of the chefs if you could get more so they went to the back and got you a whole bunch but then you didn't want to eat them because they weren't red grapes, spoiled little O!

You kept acting like you were eating them on the way home and come to find out that you were just taking them off the grape vine and then stuffing them next to you in the stroller. Here's Daddy finding out about your scheme

We were really amazed at how sneaky you were

Back at the creek today

You weren't sure about it at first

But quickly you got into it and got in up to your thighs

Happy Mommie watching O

3 years: We did it!

Hi O! :)

Mommie & Daddy finished the Bolder Boulder 10K this morning! It was so much fun and I can't wait to do it again. Lots of people came out to the race course and were cheering for us and playing music and spraying us with their water hoses. We even saw your little friend McEwen when we were running.

Daddy & I ran together the whole time so we have the same time: 71 minutes and 4 seconds. Not bad since our wave was for 70-90 minute joggers.

Daddy's results:


overall place: 26218
location: Boulder, CO
division: M32
division place: 395 out of 514
gender place: 14859 out of 22554
mile 1: 0:12:09.14
mile 2: 0:11:46.04
mile 3: 0:11:52.30
mile 4: 0:11:17.02
mile 5: 0:10:42.14
mile 6: 0:10:54.88

net time: 1:11:04.69

pace: 11:27 (based on net time)
Mommie's results:


overall place: 26208
location: Boulder, CO
division: F29
division place: 409 out of 695
gender place: 11350 out of 25851
mile 1: 0:12:09.52
mile 2: 0:11:45.65
mile 3: 0:11:52.44
mile 4: 0:11:16.36
mile 5: 0:10:43.12
mile 6: 0:10:54.86

net time: 1:11:04.10

pace: 11:27 (based on net time)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

3 years: Picture Post

Hi little O :)

We had a busy day yesterday. We woke up and did a 3 mile group run on the Bolder Boulder course with a bunch of people at the Boulder Running Company. Daddy pushed you in the jogging stroller and I ran with some ladies who came in from Chicago to run the race. You're such a good sport, little O. You just sat there and let Daddy push you around the course.

After that we went to see Shrek 4 and you loved it. The place was packed with little people and you danced in the aisle at the end. Good movie, I must say.

Then we came home because it was nap time and then headed out to the Boulder Creek Festival. We only made it through the Kids Zone area but will be heading back there today to see the rest of it.

In the bouncy toddler house

Getting ready to go kayaking with Daddy

Daddy putting on his life jacket

Getting ready

In you go

And you're off

It started to rain and you were pretty soaked from the kayaking but you still wanted to go down the slides

There you are all the way on the top on the left

Sliding down with Daddy

3 years: Kayak video

Video of you and Daddy kayaking at the Boulder Creek Festival

Friday, May 28, 2010

3 years: Picture Post

Hanging out in your classroom

You got your shirt all wet with the water sprayers at school

You're always so thirsty when I pick you up

O meditating