Saturday, August 8, 2009

2 years: Yesterday & Today

Some photos from yesterday & today:

Daddy & you at Scott Carpenter Park (one of your fave parks)

One of your favorite meals... mac & cheese & hot dogs

The teahouse in downtown Boulder

We went into a crepe place yesterday to find that they had half priced crepes...for $3 I got a crepe with banana, nutella & vanilla ice was delicious! You were saying hi to the ladies eating outside

Daddy got banana, strawberry & ice cream

Eat some little O!

We headed to Chautauqua later in the's so pretty here and so close to our apartment.

There are a million trails here but since it was late we just took you to the park there

You went down this slide a billion times

Pretty pretty

I keep taking photos of the creek, sorry

We took a trip on the Boulder Creek Path yesterday on our bikes and passed a new park for you...Fine Park. You loved it

Climbing all around

Here we are getting ready to go further east on the trail

We made it up to Boulder Canyon!

It wasn't easy and I could barely breathe but we did it

Today we went to the Boulder County Fair where you happily rode this train

Hi O!

You had to ride with Daddy because you were under 36"

You wanted to see the first we saw the bunnies

So cute!

Then the goats

You loved feeding them

Your favorite were the said, "Pig! Pig!" when you saw them

Patting one of the piggies

Huge cows

Afterwards we came home and Daddy helped our neighbor move a couch into his apartment then we headed on our bikes to Pearl Street where you played around a bit

Then we got to see a Northern Arapaho dance and drumming performance. You loved it!

Here we are dancing in the round dance

Good times!