Monday, August 17, 2009

2 years: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Dear Octavio,

The blog mommy and daddy have for you is great because it gives us all a chance to see what you're doing since you moved to Colorado. I just wanted to say that Boulder seems so beautiful. I especially like that stream close to your house. You see I love brooks and streams. I love the sound of the running water- guess it reminds me of Puerto Rico. Maybe when I go visit you can take me there. I'd really like that.

Even though I miss you A LOT it makes me so happy to see the great variety of places you've visited in such a short time. I can tell you are having fun and fit right in-you little Boulderite or is it Boulderine (ha). I'm looking forward to the winter pics. God bless you all!

Lela Carmen