Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2 years: Baseball Game

Tonight we took you to your first baseball game at Coors Field in Denver. The Colorado Rockies were playing the Pittsburgh Pirates and although they lost you had lots of fun.

With traffic (it was 5pm) it took us about 40 minutes to get from home to Coors Field

Hi Denver!

We're here!

You don't look very excited here. This is the reason: on the way to Coors Field you happened to see Chuck E. Cheese off the highway. As soon as you saw it you screamed Cheese!! Cheese! and wanted to go there and didn't want to see the baseball game. My poor snookie...we'll go to Chuck E. Cheese again sometime soon.

So many concession stands...and I wanted something from all of them!

This was a big mistake. We got there before the game started so we walked around and you saw a little tee ball area for kiddies. Uh oh. There were some other kids waiting so we only let you have 5 bats and then it was time to go. You freaked out but I took you back two times (we spent almost an hour in there) so you were a happy camper.

The National Anthem

Before the game some player giving out autographs

Our seats were so close! Thank you StubHub!

You didn't know what was going on at first

One of the players had a Dora backpack!

Game will be starting soon

Game about to start

Here we are at the batting cages (again)

Watching the game

Clapping along...you liked when music played...especially country music

The two guys in front of us left at the bottom of the 5th so you took their seat

You loved it

You are the cutest, little O!

Pretty sunset

We left after the 7th inning to get you home