Thursday, August 13, 2009

2 years: Hike

This morning Daddy had to get a few things done so you and I went on a little bike ride to Fine Park. There were about a hundred kids there (summer camps) so you played for a little bit but then we headed to Settlers Park which isn't really a park park, it has hiking trails. So we went on a little hike.

Start of the hike

As soon as we started hiking this deer came by. It came up and sort of sniffed you and then ran away.

So pretty!

After the deer left you said, "one more time" but I couldn't find anymore deer around

Up we go

Halfway there

Hike hike hike

Hi sweetie pie!

You were really good at hiking

We made it up!

I left my bike helmet on for some reason

Coming back down..this was harder so I had to carry you for part of it

Back in your "bike". You wanted to get your feet wet in the creek so we headed back to the park.

Lots of people were tubing down the creek today

Water was freezing but you loved it