Saturday, August 1, 2009

2 years: Washing machine & Farmer's Market

Hi sweetie pie :)

Sorry we haven't written to you in a long time Mister O but we've been a bit busy. We have to recap the road trip but we'll do that at another time. This morning we woke up (you slept in your own bed for the 3rd night in a row) and headed to the Hospice Thrift Store as today everything was 50% off and Daddy had his eyes on a used washing machine for our apartment. We got there at 9:55am, 5 minutes before it opened and there were a bunch of people waiting to get in. I guess Boulderites like their thrift stores! We got in right away and Daddy got his washing machine which will be delivered on Thursday.

Afterwards we headed to Central Park for the Boulder Farmer's Market. This is the biggest farmer's market I've ever seen. There were so many fruits and vegetables and food and flowers and grass fed beef. Wow! It was packed with families. I got a bag of local peaches and then we sat down to listen to music and you ate 2 hot dogs. We headed to the Boulder Creek where you got in the water. It was soooo cold...but you didn't care! You got in with both Daddy and I. After that we bought a hanging basket of petunias to hang in front of our door and headed home. It's nap time for you right now so I gotta go. I love you little O. Thank you for being so patient with us!

At the entrance to the Farmer's Market

Pretty vegetables!

We took off our shoes and got into the creek

I have no idea how Daddy got in so was freezing!

Cold O

Wanting to go back in

The creek that runs by our apartment