Sunday, August 16, 2009

2 years: Law School here I come!

Hi little guy,

Had to take this opportunity to drop you a few lines while you and your Mommy take a nap. Tomorrow I start my law school orientation and then next week start classes. It seems like just yesterday I was filling out my 20+ law school applications wondering where we may end up? Thankfully, the University of Colorado in Boulder is where we ended up because it is so beautiful here. Living amongst such stunning nature has really made me think about doing environmental law work in the future, but that's a discussion for another time.

Lately you've been saying thank you all the time, in addition to "over there" when you notice something like a bridge, a motorcycle or Chuck E Cheese's (a favorite of yours). You seem to love the outdoors and aren't afraid to rock climb all by yourself, or run into creeks, however cold they may be. I think you'll like living here for the next three years.

Well it seems you've woke up so got to run, love you so much little man.
