Saturday, August 15, 2009

2 years: Rocky Mountain National Park

This weekend we took a little mini-holiday to Estes Park, Colorado. This is Daddy's last weekend before school starts on Monday so it was nice to get away and just relax. Estes Park is about 1 hour away from Boulder and home to the Rocky Mountain National Park. It usually costs $20 to enter the park but this weekend was free so we got to go there for a little bit too.

On our way on 36 to Estes Park

Flatirons still

Starting to change

We stayed at a camping ground in Estes Park. On Craigslist I found a 1 bedroom cabin for $34/night so we rented it. Look how cute...they welcomed us to the site..

There's Daddy's name third down from the top

Our cabin! As soon as we got there it started pouring

We put our sheets on the beds and relaxed right away

You wanted to get up on the bunk beds

Up you go

So cute!

As soon as we settled in we went to the tramway

I was a bit scared to go but you were excited


And we're up!

There was a lookout stop at the top

So high

Little was a bit chilly up here since we were about 10,000 ft up

There were so many chipmunks up is one eating a peanut

On our way back down

After the tram we headed into the downtown area since Rocky Mountain National Park was only going to be free on Saturday and it was Friday. Estes has a creek too

You're still obsessed with bridges


Flowers everywhere

A little insect eating

Having dinner

The movie theater...Daddy really wanted to go see GI Joe

Playing by the creek

The river

At the playground back at our campground

Where we stayed

You trying to get in

Holding the matches getting ready for us to start a fire


Ready to make s'mores

Running around like a little monkey


Ready to toast your marshmallows

Your first s'more!


But very messy

Marshmallow everywhere

Daddy tucking you in to bed

Tickle tickles

On our way to Rocky Mountain National Park

Entering the park

So pretty! It was a bit cloudy today

O looking at the Rockies

We didn't stay long because we thought you might be having altitude issues...we were above 12,000 feet and you were acting a bit weird so we left without hiking or anything...maybe next year.