Wednesday, August 26, 2009

2 years: Video

Saying hi to the bunnies at the mall

Dancing with Daddy before the fashion show

2 years: Picture Post

Some photos...

We went to a fashion show on Friday night. You were dancing around to the music

This was my favorite piece (red dress)

On Saturday we headed to a Peach was super hot and you were super miserable

Peach cobbler with peach ice cream...which I didn't like. I had no idea I didn't like peach desserts

Even though it's super hot you like to wrap yourself with a fleece blanket in the car

Hiding from Mama

Bunnies at the mall

We got you a new friend at Build a Bear the other Benicio!

You washed him really well

At the mall... a place called hot dog on a stick...they had all kinds of things on a stick

Playing in the bouncy thing

Trying to have dinner but you wanted to play with my sunglasses

There were so many bunnies at the mall!

On another bus ride (Benicio's first)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2 years: First day done!

Hi little O :)

This is your Mama. Daddy finished his official day of law school at CU yesterday and did really well but I'll leave that to him to discuss with you. Tomorrow will be YOUR first day of school. We had to do 3 visits of one hour each before you could enroll so we did our last visit today and now you're ready to go. I'm a little terrified about you going tomorrow but I'm going to act like everything is fine. I've been telling you all night tonight that tomorrow Daddy and I are going to take you to school and leave you there until lunch time. I ask if you understand and then you'll say "bridge!" or "kick ball -- soccer!!" so I'm not sure if you'll know what's going on tomorrow.

Speaking of school, mama is a bit crazy. When we first got here we found out you had gotten into the University's child care center for 5 full days. We were very excited about this and then went to go check it out. It was nice but I wasn't in love with it so I found out about another day care center. This day care is a licensed in home day care and it's bilingual. So in the morning the teachers only speak in Spanish and then in the afternoon everyone talks in English. Daddy and I went to visit it and I loved it. It was so cute seeing all these little 2 year olds speaking in Spanish. The only problem was that it was much further away than the university's child care center which is literally a 2 minute walk away. We were also concerned about the safety of the in home day care and some other little things. Ahhh!! So we decided to stay with the university's day care center and then a few days later I decided that I wanted to stay home with you. So Daddy informed the university's day care and I stayed home with you and then decided it was not a good idea. Remember how I went crazy when I was a stay at home mama before? It's like I forgot so Daddy came home from his second day of orientation and I said I thought you should go to day care so Daddy called the university again and luckily they hadn't given your spot away so that's where you'll be, in the Penguins class.

I still feel conflicted about it but I think it will be good for you. We spent about 2 hours there today and you just played and played outside and then had a really yummie lunch (they get their food from CU's dining services). I know you'll have fun.

At the same time I had applied to 2 jobs at CU one in Admissions and one as a Academic Advisor and got called back for both of them but then I withdrew my applications (thinking I was going to stay home with you) so now I have to apply for other jobs but I know it'll all work out.

Your Daddy has been a complete trooper. He wakes up super early and goes to school. He sits through really hard and long classes then studies then comes home and spends a lot of time with all of us then goes back to study some more and then spends time with Mama and then goes to sleep to do it all over again. I'm worried that he'll collapse at some point but so far so good. I think you miss him a bit because when he comes home you want to spend all the time with him. Today after Daddy got home we went on a long bike ride and then ended up at the park where you wanted to run with Daddy and play on the slide with Daddy and Daddy Daddy Daddy. Then you spent a few hours playing soccer and baseball with him in our back yard. We're so lucky to have him, little O.

Well, I have to get your things ready for tomorrow. I hope you have a wonderful time little O. I love you so so much.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

2 years: Picture Post

What you've been up to...

My boys!

Daddy is always tickling you

I love this face

Daddy on his way to his first day of orientation

You like to multitask

Having dinner outside of our apartment

You weren't in the mood for eating

So you pedaled around us while we ate

You're a little obsessed with buses lately so we rode the bus for an hour yesterday

Look how happy you get

This also makes you very happy...the water park downtown

This little girl was in love with you and kept giving you hugs

Afterwards Daddy met us downtown and you said you wanted to get your feet wet in the creek so in you went

In so deep

There were some puppets at the farmer's market tonight that you really liked

I wanted all this bread at the market but stopped myself