Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Week 19: Sleepy time

Hi Mister O :)

I told your Daddy to go to sleep in the other room because you're wide awake and I know he's tired. I got to take a nap with you earlier today since Wednesdays are our half days. You're fighting going to sleep right now just like your Daddy does so I have you in the mei-tei and I'm singing to you.

I love this time of night. It's just the two of us and you look up at me with a sleepy grin and I give you a kiss on your forehead and then you suck on your thumb and eventually fall asleep.

You had music time at childcare today. Different musicians come in once a week to play music for all the children. Your teacher said you really liked it and then you went outside and they laid you down so you could stare at the trees which you love. You're so easy to please. I hope you're always like this.

You're rolling over a bunch now. If we put you in your play yard you'll roll over within seconds. You're also grabbing anything that comes close to you and you pull of our glasses. It's amazing seeing you learning so much about the world around you.

Daddy and I have been talking a lot about what we're going to be doing in the upcoming year. I want to finally go to grad school (I've been putting it off for years) but I'm still not sure of where I should go. I think my number one choice would be the London School of Economics & Political Science. Would you want to live in London for a year and half little O? It would be around the same time that you're learning to talk so maybe you'd have a cute little British accent? There's also the University for Peace in Costa Rica and the Maxwell School at Syracuse University which would be lovely. There are also a bunch of schools in Washington DC and New York City that interest me. I also don't know if I should go to grad school or law school. I love the law and loved my legal courses in college but law school is super expensive. If I went to grad school I could probably get some funding for a MA/PhD program. Your Daddy is so supportive and says that I should do what I really want no matter what. Nice Daddy, eh? We're really lucky little O. I hope you do whatever you're passionate about and I am going to work my hardest to support your endeavors.

You fell asleep so it's time for us to lay down. I love you sweetie. :)
