Friday, September 14, 2007

Week 17: Flip please

So little O,

Apparently you didn't like your sleep schedule your Mommy and I did, so you've flipped it and gone back to the not sleeping at night form of the past. While I can't get mad at such a cute little baby, I do hope this weekend your Mommy and I can flip you back because while I'm at work I really feel it, not sleeping that is.

Anyhow, in other news you are so big, I know your Mommy and I have been saying this forever but now other people are chiming in, you are even starting to not fit clothes that your little buddy Sammy, that is four months older than you, was giving you, and Sammy's parents said it best when they said "pretty soon Octavio will be giving Sammy hand me downs." This is sad because Sammy's clothes are pretty nice.

Your Titi Krysten's birthday came and went and sadly without much fanfare, but as you get older I guess "celebrating birthdays" takes on a different feeling, although for future reference O, you can celebrate my birthdays until I die! Love you.
