Monday, September 10, 2007

Week 17: Working with Daddy

Hi sweetie :)

You're sleeping on my chest right now...I love it!

Your Daddy and I got to work together today. We both manage the internship programs at our respective organizations so we went to a community involvement fair at UMass today to look for potential interns. Your Daddy looks so cute talking to people about media reform.

Daddy working it

Last night was crazy. You were nursing all night long and then you were up from 3am until 6:30am. Then you woke up again at 7am and wouldn't go back to sleep. Not surprisingly you slept all day at daycare. I hope you sleep tonight sweetie because Mommie is tired.

You still love taking baths (although it doesn't look like it in this picture)

Lounging with Mommie

You like touching our faces lately

Sleepy baby!