Sunday, September 9, 2007

Week 16: You're huge!

Hi little O :)

I just noticed that we started this blog when you were 16 weeks old in the womb and now you're 16 weeks old out of the womb. That went by quick!

On Friday you had your 4 month check up with your pediatrician. He said you looked great and then you peed on him (not nice, Mister O!). You're officially huge. You were 17 pounds, 3 ounces (90th percentile) and 25 1/2 inches (76th percentile). I can't believe how big you are sweetie. After your appointment we were supposed to go visit the Fernandez familia but when we got home we ended up taking a nap for a long time so we decided not to go that night.

You look so excited to be at the doctor

Silly O :)

You stole Daddy's glasses right from his very own face while he was changing you (Sneaky O!)

Daddy playing with you

On Saturday we got up and did a bunch of housework and then headed out to Brookline. First though your Daddy wanted to go to the car wash...bad idea. It was one of those automated car washes and when it went on you started bawling. It was so sad sweetie. You were not happy at all. The same thing had happened the night before. Your Daddy was joking around and said "Whhyyyyy?" and you got scared and started crying. So so sad...poor O!

Scared by the car wash

Your caterpillar rattle always makes you feel better

Luckily you quickly fell asleep once we left the car wash and we got to Brookline in no time. You got to spend time with your grandparents, Titi Lucy and Tio Ray, and Tio Toti.

Tio Toti!

Laughing with abuelita

Playing with abuelito

La Familia!

Laughing with Titi Lucy

In the meantime your Daddy and I went out for a date to Mommie's favorite restaurant in the whole wide world (yes, it's true)...Cheesecake Factory. We had such a nice time. I love going on dates with your Daddy. While we were gone you laughed for Titi cute, sweetie!

Avocado eggrolls...I love you!

My girl...Angelina!

Daddy trying to act like Christopher Walken

After eating we visited your Daddy's friend Steven who just had a baby. Her name is Sophia and she's only two weeks old! She was tiny...a little peanut! She was sleeping in her little bassinet and your Daddy and I just stared at her over and over again because she was so so cute. I can't believe you used to be that's crazy! She almost made me want to have another baby...almost.

We headed back home and you were sleeping in the living room with Abuelita Mayela. Then we went to sleep. You slept really well but like clockwork you got up at around 4am and wanted to play so your Daddy took you downstairs and watched a movie with you until you fell asleep. Around 1pm we left and headed home and have been chilling ever since. I love you sweetie!
