Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Week 16: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi O! :)

Happy (belated) 16th week birthday!

I didn't get a photo of you on your birthday and that makes me sad. Things are still busy. We wake up and take you to childcare and go to work then come home and have something to eat then get things ready for the next day and start all over again.

You are doing much much better. You've got a little cold but otherwise are fine. This weekend we visited Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar and slept over their house. It was their 30th wedding anniversary so we celebrated with them. Lela Carmen got surgery on her knee so she can't move around much but hopefully she'll feel better soon.

In other news, Abuelito Gordito is also getting surgery tomorrow so send him good healing thoughts little O. We're going to visit Abuelito & Abuelita on Friday after your doctor appointment for your 4 month checkup/immunizations.

What else? Your father is still fabulous and puts you to sleep most nights which lets me get more rest which is great. I love you sweetie!
