Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Week 16: I got as lucky as you did!

So little O,

I'm at work a little early today, and thought I'd take a minute to tell you how lucky you are to be born into a world where so many people love you, and to be part of two families that equally adore you and can never see you enough!

But, while many people might call you the lucky one, in many ways I got just as lucky! Having my family love me has never been a question, but being fortunate enough to have your Mommy's family accept me into their family has been a blessing that makes me feel so special and so happy. Whenever we go to visit your Mommy's family I have a wonderful time, and most importantly feel right at home with them. One great example of this is a few days ago when your Lela Carmen and I watched a movie I had rented, it was real nice.

Anyhow, I dropped you off at daycare all by myself yesterday and it wasn't too bad. For starters you were awake which your Mommy and I prefer when we leave you at the Children's Center, that way you don't wake up confused about where you are. Secondly I got to spend a little time with you before leaving and holding you in my arms as tight as possible. And lastly, when I left you were the only baby there so I knew you would be getting maximum attention. Hope you like it there and can't wait to see you later today.
