Friday, February 18, 2011

3 years: The week of medical disasters

Sadly I don't have any photo representation of the week of medical disasters.  Apparently Daddy didn't think about bringing my CAMERA when we were headed to the Emergency Room.  This was classic material we missed!  This past week has involved two medical issues for you...

Last Friday, I had just arrived to work and was settling in when my office phone rang.  For some reason the caller ID didn't work but when I heard Daddy's voice I got really worried because Daddy never calls me on my office phone.  He said that you had stuck a plastic bead from a bracelet you made at school up your nose and that he had tried to get it out but that it had gone further up your nose instead.   Ahhh!!  I went to tell my child-less boss and she cringed and then I headed home.  Your doctor's office was closed for lunch so we had the choice of the urgent care clinic or the ER.  Proving that we're still first time parents, the ER it was.  Only the best for my baby!

We checked in and you starting complaining that it was hurting.  The nurse was busy taking your vitals when a mother came in carrying her 9 year old daughter and said that the little girl had been projectile vomiting for over 24 hours and had a high fever.  The nurse was like, "okay, just sign in" like it was nothing.  I thought to myself, oh no, under triage rules we're going to be here for a while.  Speaking of which, this was our first time at the Boulder Community Hospital.  The hospital was beautiful!  It makes me want to get preggers just so I can have a baby there.  

Anyhoo, the nurse lead us back to the ears, nose and throat room and I thought we'd be hanging out for a bit so we turned on the tv to watch a cartoon.  Luckily though the doctor came in a few minutes later and said that we could try two things.  One, you could blow your nose and get it out.  The only problem with that is that you haven't really mastered the blowing the nose thing.  I wonder when you'll reach that developmental milestone.  I also wonder when you'll stop wanting to put on a diaper just so you can poop in it at night, but that's another thing all together. 

So the first option didn't work so the doctor said that in a medical study the second technique was successful in 15 out of 19 cases.  The technique was to plug up one of your nostrils and then have someone blow forceful air into you, like CPR.  I declined since I have braces and didn't want to slice you (the ONE time that my braces have come in handy!) so Daddy ponied up.  He did it one time and nothing happened but when he did it the second time the little bead came out.  Hooray!  The bead actually rested at the bottom of your nose so I actually pulled it out so you thought I had gotten it out!  It was great, you gave me all the credit for saving your life.  This almost makes up for the fact that whenever I say that you used to live in my belly you say, "Daddy caught me!" like the two second thing he did was more important than my 21 hours of active labor or something. Anyway, the doctor was happy because she said otherwise they have to do surgery to get it out.  That was last Friday.

This Friday, today, we went to the dentist to find out you have a MASSIVE cavity.  You had this little brown spot on one of your molars so we made an appointment to get you in but since you weren't in pain the next appointment was 3 weeks away.  So we went in today and you were such a trooper but the dentist said you have to have a CROWN because it's so bad.  Luckily you don't have any other cavities and the other teeth are healthy but how crazy is that.  I didn't even know 3 years old could get cavities!  I guess it could be worse, one of Daddy's professor has a 4 year old who has no enamel on his teeth so he can't have any sweets at all.  Crazyness!  You'll be getting your crown next Thursday, hopefully without nitrous oxide, but we'll see.