Friday, February 18, 2011

3 years: Free Zoo Day

Tomorrow is a free admission day at the Denver Zoo.  I don't know if you remember this, but the two of us went to a free zoo day about a year and half ago.  There have been many, many free zoo days since then but I haven't even been able to entertain the thought of attending another free zoo day, until today, when I got an email from my Boulder mommie email list with the subject: FREE ZOO DAY TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (this was the subject verbatim, I didn't add the multiple exclamation points).

The thing is, tickets to the zoo aren't even that expensive, relatively speaking.  It comes out to about the same as going out to a movie (not a matinee movie, but a movie) and getting some popcorn and a drink and fruit snacks (all of which you get when we go to the movies).  Man!  We gotta get that under control.

It doesn't matter though because people seem to lose their mind knowing they can get into the zoo for free.  It's like they've won the lottery or something because every single person under the age of 12 in the Metro Denver area somehow makes it to the free day.  You know who I feel really bad for though?  Those animals!  They must get so annoyed with all those screaming kids everywhere.  They probably dread free zoo day as much as I do!

Anyway, against my better judgment, you and I are heading out tomorrow morning to the free zoo  day.  I tried to think if it'd be better to go later in the day, but come on, it's going to be crazy no matter what so I might as well bite the bullet.  If it's anything like last zoo day, which actually now that I think about it, was on a WEEKDAY and not on a SATURDAY in the MIDDLE OF THE WINTER ( me!), we'll have to park about a mile and half away and then wait in line for quite a while.  I hope you enjoy it my sweetie pie, I wouldn't do this for anyone else, for reals. :)

An aye-aye, I hope to see you tomorrow, cutie pie