Saturday, February 12, 2011

3 years: Gold Hill

We went to the small town of Gold Hill a few weekends's like the Wild Wild West out there.
It's about 15-20 minutes away but you have to go through the canyon and up the mountains and through dirt roads.  At a certain point it said that snow tires were mandatory and we don't have snow tires but we keep trucking along...luckily we made it up (and down) aokay.

We headed right to the Gold Hill Cafe

Look at the crazy hair

The little cafe/general store had a bit of everything.  You could rent DVDs there, buy random things, and get food.

This wood stove heats up the whole place

Where they keep the drinks, so pretty

Daddy got a steak & cheese sandwich

I got a yummie spinach quiche

Welcome to the Wild Wild West

It was so crazy but as soon as we left the store we saw this house and look at what's in the door window?  A Puerto Rican flag!  I almost knocked on the door but that would have been weird.

Looking around the main street.