Tuesday, February 15, 2011

3 years: Spring Day!

On Sunday it was in the 60s so that meant it was time to hang out outside.  You wanted to ride your bike so we rode down the Boulder Creek Path, to the library, around Pearl Street and back home.  You're so super quick on your Lightning McQueen trike now.  I wonder if you'll be ready to ride a bike this summer.

And you're off!

Looking right

And looking left before getting on the path (it's a pretty busy path with runners & cyclists)

Biking around like a little monkey

You kept going on the other side of the path and freaking us out

Zooming down the underpass

The creek isn't frozen!

We headed into the library so Mommie could pick up a book.  You hung out in the Children's Department with Daddy.  Look at that little manita on that little mouse...so cute!

Then you rode around Pearl Street (a little stressful since it was packed)

Back home I went downstairs for a minute and I came back upstairs to find you doing your favorite thing, arranging things.

It's an obsession.