Sunday, February 20, 2011

3 years: Saturday

After we headed home, we hung out in the park in front of our place.  I was trying to get you outside as much as possible because it was supposed to be freezing on Sunday.  Here you are climbing away...

You're such a happy kid

Daddy joined us and we headed downtown.

Daddy was hungry so we stopped into VG Burgers, an all-vegan restaurant.

You got vegan soft-serve, yummies!

Pretty artwork

Daddy got a "bacon" & "cheese" burger and loved it.

I had to return a book to the library, Stretch: The Unlikely Making of a Yoga Dude by Neal Pollack (so good!  I read it in a day and a half) so we headed there first, you had to park your bike.

The little automated book return thing that talks in a weird robot voice.

I got a couple more books and Daddy gave you some pennies to throw into the pond at the library.  Then we headed to Pearl Street to look for James Franco.

He was in town getting an award at the Boulder International Film Festival.  I kept my eye out but didn't see him.

You were happy with your cookie

This is for Tio Toti and Tio Ryan

The Flatirons still have some snow on them

When we got home we headed to Games Night where you learned how to play pool