Thursday, February 24, 2011

3 years: Crown in!

This morning we woke up early to head over to the dentist to get your crown put in.  I have been a nervous wreck all week thinking about your little dental procedure, mostly because it involved Novocain.  I've had enough Novocain in my mouth to know that the little "pinch" hurts and I felt so bad that you had to get it.  I was being really strong and positive until the dentist said, "so we're going to use some local anesthesia today..." and then the water works came out!  I started sobbing so the dentist took me out of the room to calm me down but I got it together, hung out with you while you got the numbing gel and then I moved to the parents room next door with the one-way mirror so I could see you.  

You only cried out a little bit when the needle was put in but otherwise you were such a trooper!  You did a great job and the dentist finished the procedure incredibly fast.  You now have your crown but the anesthesia hasn't completely worn off yet so you keep touching your cheek and chin since they're numb.  I hope this is your last filling for a long time, Mister O.

In the yellow submarine room...

See that mirror in the top left hand corner of the room?  I could see you from the other side!

Your scary face

Ready to go

All numbed up

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3 years: Happy Birthday Lela Carmen!

Today is Lela Carmen's Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Lela Carmen!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

3 years: Videos

Riding your trike

Eating your soft serve

3 years: Saturday

After we headed home, we hung out in the park in front of our place.  I was trying to get you outside as much as possible because it was supposed to be freezing on Sunday.  Here you are climbing away...

You're such a happy kid

Daddy joined us and we headed downtown.

Daddy was hungry so we stopped into VG Burgers, an all-vegan restaurant.

You got vegan soft-serve, yummies!

Pretty artwork

Daddy got a "bacon" & "cheese" burger and loved it.

I had to return a book to the library, Stretch: The Unlikely Making of a Yoga Dude by Neal Pollack (so good!  I read it in a day and a half) so we headed there first, you had to park your bike.

The little automated book return thing that talks in a weird robot voice.

I got a couple more books and Daddy gave you some pennies to throw into the pond at the library.  Then we headed to Pearl Street to look for James Franco.

He was in town getting an award at the Boulder International Film Festival.  I kept my eye out but didn't see him.

You were happy with your cookie

This is for Tio Toti and Tio Ryan

The Flatirons still have some snow on them

When we got home we headed to Games Night where you learned how to play pool

3 years: Breakfast Burritos

Since we were down in the Denver I thought we should stop down into Little Anita's in Westminster.  Little Anita's is a little restaurant that serves food from New Mexico.  Yummies!  When I lived in Santa Fe I would get a breakfast burrito, no meat, red chili from La Posa's about every day.  Little Anita's breakfast burritos are almost as good as La Posa's, and I don't have to drive 6 hours to Santa Fe to get them.

We're here!

Fooling around

Here it is!

The best part, the red chili!  I'm surprised I can still handle the heat of this.

The best part of Little Anita's is that every order comes with a free sopaipilla...delish!  I've even gotten Daddy hooked on these little things.

Then we saw Papa Jorgensen in the parking lot.

Driving back home, pretty Rockies.

Pretty Flatirons on the way into Boulder.

3 years: Zoo!

We survived the Zoo!  We woke up nice and early and were down there by 9:45am (the zoo opens at 10am).  We were even able to get parking in the zoo's garage, amazing! 

Good morning giraffes!

Top of the morning to you, peacock!

Buenos dias, little lizzard! (okay, I'll stop)

Someone didn't want to have breakfast before we left for the zoo, but like clockwork, as soon as we got to the zoo I heard, "Mommie, I'm hungry!"  Nothing like a $6.95 kids meal at 10 in the morning.


This little bird was staring at us, waiting for you to drop some of your food

After breakfast we headed to the train

Sir Topham Hatt

We went around a little bit of the zoo, hi ducks.

I love this photo for some reason.

'sup Swan.

After seeing all the animals (except for the penguins) we headed to our next destination...