Saturday, April 25, 2009

23 months: hello summer!

Today it was warm, and that means you got to run around outside as much as your Lela Carmen, cousins Jalil and Yasmin, and your Mama and I could possibly have the energy to let you! Because if it was up to you I don't think you'd ever sleep or eat if you had the opportunity to play outside. As a matter of fact the director of the daycare you are in has told us more than once how much you appear loving being outside, if only they knew.

No, I understand, I like being outside myself as does your Mommy. When you were in her belly we used to always go for a walk after eating dinner, something I miss actually. But it's not so easy to go for a relaxing walk with you, as you run around like a crazy monkey scaring me to death numerous times a minute. I can't wait for you to get older to go do stuff together, just you and I, like hiking, or camping, or mountain biking. Granted I haven't done any of the above before but maybe it's the upcoming move to Boulder, Colorado that can feel them happening for sure, you wait and see.

Your Mommy just brought you to the crib since apparently you do want to go to sleep without a fight. Got to run to help her out.

