Sunday, April 12, 2009

22 months: Yanni's!

Last night your Daddy and I were craving pizza so we went to a local pizza place. Have I mentioned that we've moved into a stage with you that going out to eat isn't a lot of fun? You're super curious and want to run around and touch everything and want to eat our food as soon as it gets placed on the table when it's way too hot for your cute little mouth.

Remember the days when we could just put you in a car seat and go out to eat and you'd just "sit" next to us. You only ate backa-backa back then so we didn't even have to worry about feeding you. Oh, those were the days...

Here you are when you were 6 weeks old at Uno's Pizzeria in Worcester where we had dinner with the Fernandez clan. You see the car seat? You slept through nice!!

While we're reminiscing, let's look at some other photos from that day. With Lela Mayela...look at those tiny feet and skinny legs.

I guess you woke up at some point...Lela giving you some backa-backa.

Oh my ovaries!

Ahhhhh!! I can't take it anymore. I have to remind myself though that at this point you were only sleeping in two hour stretches (if that) and were spitting up everywhere and had gooey eyes.

Let's forward to you are in your high chair that you only managed to sit in for a few minutes.

I'm starting to notice some OCD tendencies in like everything in order

Here you are stacking the little butters

You take it very seriously

Dipping the bread in the butter and eating some

You spent most of your time running around our booth and smiling at an older man in the booth across from us