Friday, April 10, 2009

22 months: Picture Post

Some photos of what's been going on lately...

Papa Cesar got us this yummie cake to celebrate our marriage

You love playing with Jalil

We had to head up to Noho to get you your vaccines. I usually leave the room for your shots but you started crying as /i was leaving this last time so I stayed in the hard for the Mama.

Daddy had taken the day off of work so we headed to the Cup & Top cafe in Florence, close to where your Daddy used to work. It's this really cute cafe and they cater the kiddies and have a kiddie play area in the back. We got yummie breakfast burritos with avocado and a side of home fries.

Daddy went to go see his old job and say hi to everyone while the two of us played.

This is one of your favorite toys

I think you could play here for hours

The mural in the kiddie area

Lots of books and puzzles

You're really into puzzles lately

You saw some of the other babies eating yogurt so we had to get you one too

You were super neat...not at all like what you're like at home when you're eating

Then Daddy came back and we headed to the Woodstar Cafe in Northampton. They have a really yummie black bottom banana cream tart that I've been craving and they have huge cookies that Daddy likes.

You like them too

Last Friday night we went to Chuck E. Cheese with Yasmin & Jalil

Yasmin with all her tickets

You love your cousins

Papa Cesar had gotten us a PF Chang's gift card so we headed there last Saturday.

We tried to keep you happy by feeding you a Mrs. Field's cookie while we waited for the food to come

This past Sunday we went to a non-demoninational Christian church in West Hartford. It was really nice and they had a huge nursery with all these toys for you to play with. This is me riding around on one of the baby bikes

They had quite a spread after the service: muffins, bagels, fresh fruit, etc.

Of which we ate a lot of

I still can't get enough of these

You've become quite attached to little Eduardo, especially since you started child care.