Saturday, April 11, 2009

22 months: Running bug

It's 9am on a Saturday morning and your Daddy is most likely almost done with his 10 mile run with his half-marathon training group. Crazy!! Last week when he ran 9 miles he came home and told me that he could have easily run more and that around the 8 mile mark he got a second wind. Your Daddy was apparently born to be a runner. I'm so proud of him...I have no idea how he does it.

I've been hit by the running bug too and on Tuesday I didn't have to go into work until 11am so after my doctor's appointment I laced on my sneakers turned on my Nike+ and ran 3 miles around downtown West Hartford. I would have run more but it started raining and I didn't want my hair to get wet (I didn't have time to blow dry it before work and it gets curly and frizzy and whatnot).

Speaking of my doctor's appointment, my naturopath hippy doctor got my blood work results back and apparently I'm extremely anemic. Actually I think what he said was that I was severely anemic. He asked me..."you haven't passed out or felt faint lately?" When I said no he said Wow! Shook his head and looked down on the lab work results again. Ahh!! Apparently my range is supposed to be between 56-75 or something and I'm at a 9. Yep, a 9. So he gave me a bunch of iron pills that I'm to take 3 times a day and then reminded me about eating protein and nuts and blah blah blah and he ended with, "...and keep away from the sugar!!" To which I replied, I'm trying doctor, I'm trying! To which he replied, well, try harder! Ahhhh!!! I feel like he's a mean football coach but I like it.

Anyhoo, so yea, hopefully these iron pills will kick in because the last time I passed out was in my pediatrician's office when I was 17 and it wasn't pretty. I need to go back in June to get blood work again and then he'll determine if the pills a're working or if I'll have to take iron intravenously -- what is with doctors wanting to inject me with things?! So let's hope they work.

Speaking of conditions...I have another condition. I don't think I've told you about this particular condition, Mister O (I have a lot). It's hard to explain so maybe I'll have Daddy do it but basically if I know that it's hard to get something it makes me want to get it not necessary because I want whatever it is but because I want to be able to get in? Does that make sense?

So last month when I found out that the Nike's Women's Marathon was holding a lottery for spaces in their marathon, it made me want to sign up even though I have absolutely no interest in running a marathon. I think marathons are actually kinda crazy. Anyhoo, I signed up for the lottery thinking there would be no way I would get selected because I had read on some online running communities that I'm part of that so many people have tried for years to register for the Nike marathon but have not gotten in. Well apparently I'm very lucky because what do you know, a few weeks later I logged into my gmail account and as I glanced at the subjects of my emails right in the middle was this:

You're registered

for the

Nike Women's



Dear Nike Runner,

Congratulations, you have been selected in the 2009 Nike Women's Marathon random drawing! You are now registered for the 2009 Nike Women's Marathon. Your credit card has been charged the race fee, and you will begin receiving emails with more information about the race. In the meanwhile, don't forget to check out the Nike Women's Marathon website at for additional information.

Race Day
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Race Start: 7:00am
Union Square, San Francisco, CA

Ahhh!!!!! Now, due to my condition, I was both elated and freaked out at the same time. I was excited because I had made the cut but then I thought to myself, oh my God, I'm going to have to train for a marathon. That's horrible!! Remember, I have no interest in running a marathon. The worst part is that I could have registered for the half marathon but silly me registered for the full marathon (26.2 miles) even though I'm pretty confident I could complete a half marathon (13.1 miles). Yes, I'm crazy. So yea I'll be starting this 28 week marathon training program next week. I hope I survive!

Oh, and as you may have noticed, the marathon takes place in San Francisco. How we'll work this out with Daddy being in law school I'm not sure but if I get to a place where I can run 26 miles we'll figure out a way. Another issue is that my hippy doctor said that I have to be careful with long sessions of endurance exercise at this point because apparently it depletes your iron stores even more. Ahh!! He said I could start training for the marathon but that once I get to runs that get past the 60 minute running mark (probably around the 6 mile marker for me) I'll have to stop until my iron levels are back to normal. Mwahaha...fine with me!

Anyhoo, your Daddy just called me that he completely the 10 miles...congrats Daddy!! You and I are going to go make him some pancakes now. Love you sweetie pie...sorry your Mama is so crazy!