Friday, April 10, 2009

22 months: Colorado photos

Last month we got to go to Colorado. Papa Cesar was kind enough to buy us a ticket so we could accompany Daddy on his law school...thank you Papa Cesar! It was a bit last minute though so at that point Daddy's flight was super expensive so we found a cheaper one departing a day early. The plan was for you to head out to Colorado on a Thursday, stay a night at a hotel in Denver, and then pick up Daddy Friday morning at the airport. That was our plan, anyway...

This is you enjoying watching the planes at the airport. The week before I had gotten a few books from the library about planes so I think you were excited to see so many in person. This was taken after we went through the security checkpoint. That went really smoothly because they let me skip in front of everyone and head into the family/needing special assistance line...thank goodness!

This is us at a Wendy's in Pittsburgh, PA. Yea, we weren't supposed to be in Pittsburgh at all that day. Our flight was supposed to be Hartford to Washington DC to Denver. When we got to Washington DC our flight to Denver was canceled because there was a blizzard in Denver. Why they hadn't canceled our flight right from the beginning, I don't know because it had already started snowing heavily in Denver. Did you know that we have an airplane flight curse? Whenever we fly somewhere there is some weather issue and we get delayed. Anyhoo, when we got to DC they said we could go to Pittsburgh and maybe the snow would have stopped and we could go to Denver from there. But once we got to Pittsburgh we found out that all the flights to Denver had been canceled. So we ended up staying in Pittsburgh for the night at a cute little motel. There was a Wendy's right across the street so that's where we headed to for dinner.

You love yourself some french fries. With lots of ketchup!

Oh, did I tell you how good you were on the flight? We had window flights the whole time and you would look around at the beginning and then we'd nurse while we took off and then you slept until the flights touched down. Thank you Mister O!

Our motel room in Pittsburg. Oh, I didn't tell you that they lost our luggage, right? Yep. We waited around for a while and then asked a customer service agent and she said, "Oh, honey, your bags are in Atlanta!" Atlanta?! She said I could spend up to $50 on toiletries and/or clothes and United would reimburse me though so that was good.

The next day at 6am we headed out for a flight to Denver and arrived there a few minutes after Daddy (remember, we were supposed to get there a whole day beforehim). You were happy to see Daddy. We picked up my bag that was luckily now in Denver and then got our rental car and headed to the hotel that the law school put Daddy in. It was so nice and huge suite. I wanted to live there. Here you are checking something online with Daddy.

How quickly this turned into home

The dining room

The kitchen...which had a full fridge, stove, oven, dishes, utensils, etc.

Spongebob & Patrick. You liked the hotel right away.

After we arrived we headed to get our marriage license but the Denver's Clerk's Office was closed so we got food and then went to Kinko's to get an absentee marriage license notarized and then we dropped Daddy off at his open house (he was super late) and then we headed to Boulder to get the marriage license and then headed back to Denver, had some Jamba Juice (there was one down the street from the law school!) and picked up Daddy, toured the school, and then headed back to the hotel so you could go to sleep. Busy, busy!

The next day, Saturday, we headed up to Boulder so Daddy could see the University of Colorado law school.

It was love at first sight for Daddy

It was so sunny!

The law school is new and LEED certified so it's nice and green and energy efficient.

Here is their nursing/pumping room. Hey, maybe I should go to law school here!

The lockers for the law students

Staircase...there are 4 floors

The view of the Rocky Mountains from a window in the hallway...beautiful!

You liked running around everywhere

The Dean's office...hopefully Daddy won't get in trouble and have to come here

Student's mailboxes...I was concerned that they are left open like that without a lock or anything but then I remembered that the law students are under a strict honor code so hopefully that would deter them from stealing mail

The cafe

Library...Daddy will spend many hours here

The view around the law school

Daddy was going to put you in the trash can


More mountains!

Courtyard area

I think the sun was getting to you

There goes our cute little rental car!

Law school

You were happy playing with the snow

We are squinting because of the sun

After our little self guided tour we headed to Downtown Boulder and got some pizza

It was such a nice day

The cute little downtown area

We found a baby store so you headed straight for the train set

I was afraid the pigeons were going to eat you

Smiling at the balloon man

This guy was hilarious and super talented...he made that big balloon next to him!

He made you a train which you proceeded to eat.

The view of Denver from our balcony