Sunday, May 3, 2009

23 months: Picture Post

What you've been up to lately...

Titi Lisa invited us over so you could get wet with Yasmin & Jalil

You didn't end up really getting wet though

You were a little scared

See? Running away from the water

You did run around though...

Hi sweetie pie!

Even with 50+ SPF you still got red

Poor snookies

On our way to your school a few mornings ago...

You're still obsessed with Eduardo

Sleepy O

This weekend we visited Lela Mayela & Papa Jorgensen

You woke up Saturday morning saying "walk, walk!!" so we went for a walk while Daddy ran 10 miles through Boston.

You spent an hour at a toystore in Brookline Village close to where Daddy grew up

Still loving the trains

You get to serious about it

That night your Daddy and I had a date (!!!). We went to Stix Restaurant & Lounge in Boston. Here's Daddy looking very handsome

Here I am with the breadsticks they gave us with a yummie olive oil, ricotta cheese, and lemon dip

Greatest dinner!! Daddy got the Schezwan Peppered Pork with a hoisin glaze, stir fried vegetables and mashed sweet potatoes

I got the vegetarian trio, from left-to-right, a veggie taco on a soft corn tortilla, a papaya salad with carrots, basil, and peppers, and two zucchini falafels with a yogurt dipping sauce and toasted pita

We were completely stuffed but we still got a strawberry shortcake to share for dessert

The place (inside and out) was so pretty and our waiter was super nice...he was from Turkey! See the pretty door behind me?

The manager took a photo of us but Mama closed her eyes like!

In sign #5,032,381 that Daddy and I weren't supposed to get married, we ordered rings from an artisan in Arizona that we found at a small gallery in Northampton. We had to order them directly from the artisan because they didn't have our ring sizes at the gallery. 3 weeks later we thought they arrived but instead we got a pair of earrings instead of our wedding bands. Ahhh! She did end up sending us the rings though so now Daddy and I have our rings!!

So simple & pretty. They're handmade by Rebecca in her studio.

Back to your obsession with Eduardo...

You can't do anything without him, even have dinner.

Your Lela Mayela said we should get another Eduardo just in case something happens to him...good idea!

He got a little dirty during dinner tonight so Daddy had to wash him up

And dry him too

What a nice Daddy

You were watching the whole time