Saturday, May 9, 2009

23 months: Picture Post

Your life, lately...

It was Daddy's 31st birthday on Wednesday so your parentals had lunch at Feng in downtown Hartford.

Cute Daddy!

I got a bento box

Salad, Chicken Teriyaki, California Rolls, Rice, Shrimp Shumai...yummies!

I got our waiter to bring over a little surprise for Daddy. Lots of yummie ice cream and even a candle to blow out

I'm not sure what this is about

Apparently you were eating popcorn and then the bowl got onto your head

We spent lots of time this morning cuddling in bed

You slept only in your diaper because it was hot

Smiley O

You think we're very funny

Daddy taught you how to say "cheese"...this is you saying it

Mama had to work today (Saturday) so Daddy took you to Chuck E. Cheese

Look at all those tickets! Smack them, O!

I don't know what's going on...all the times we've come here before you haven't wanted to ride any of these rides

Down the slide

Daddy said you liked this one the best

Worn out after Chuck E.