Thursday, May 14, 2009

2 years: Birthday photos

Photos from your 2nd birthday

When we got to your school today we saw this pretty poster that they made for you...Happy Birthday O! Those are your teachers above, Ms Nancy and Ms Katie

Daddy standing with the spider you made

Mama posing with your poster. We were waiting because we got there a little early and it was still nap time.

We came in at the end of nap time and found you....sleeping!

Almost everyone else was already up but not you

You were completely out. We had to wake you up and you looked so confused that we were there.

Some of the artwork you made last week for Mother's Day

You picked out lots of pretty Latina mommies...thank you sweetie!

Here you are trying to swipe your cupcakes...but you had to wash your hands first

Not yet sweetie pie

All your little friends getting their cupcakes

Taking off all the sprinkles

This is your cubbie...your teachers also made you a card

They even made you a crown!

That you wore for about 2 seconds

Happy O

After we picked you up we went to a local restaurant to get some food...cute Daddo!

Saying "cheese"...I can't believe you're 2, Mister O!

Trying to escape, like always.

Titi Lisa, and your cousins Yasmin & Jalil came over for your birthday!

You have so much fun with them

Papa Cesar, Lela Carmen & Titi Maira came over as well!

Eating yummie pizza that Papa Cesar & Lela Carmen got

Showing your cousins your nose

Papa Cesar brought you a cake!

Jalil with one of your favorite toys, the keyboard that Papa Cesar got you for Christmas

About to blow out the cake!

Your cousins had to help you out

Waiting patiently


Not sure what Jalil was doing here

Lela Carmen!

Open the present from Titi Maira

She got you a guitar! You love it!

You didn't want to take a photo with us

Daddy got a pull up bar recently

Yasmin and Jalil did so many pull ups...they're so fit!

Daddy with your present from Titi Lisa, Yasmin & Jalil

Happy Birthday O!

With Papa Cesar