Tuesday, March 17, 2009

22 months: A Team Effort

Hey little man,

It's been a couple days since your Mother and I ran our first 5K together, I say first because I could easily see us doing it again, together! It was a blast. It wasn't easy but we both did a great job, and I personally can't tell you how rewarding it is to do so well after training for so many weeks. I hope you take after your Mother and have the inner force to take on a challenge head first and do whatever it takes to complete it.

It's crazy because I was real anxious before the race and nervous, a feeling I haven't felt in some time, I think since I took the F.B.I. exam some years ago. It's a feeling of not knowing what you are going to face but still wanting to do, and do it right away. We were fortunate it was such a nice day for our first run and that nothing happened to either your Mother and I that would have prevented us from finishing the race, which was our primary goal. Having done so well in our first race I think we both are eager to do another 5K and set personal records.

Anyhow, there won't be any rest for me as I'm starting training for a half marathon in May in Boston this Saturday. My Saturday runs will be at 7:30 which is good because I'm normally up at that time anyhow, so why not do something that's good for me right? You know your grandfather, my pa, used to run when he was younger, long distances not short, so maybe you'll like running as well? No pressure, just as long as you like basketball! Kidding.

This morning I went to work late because your Mother had a doctor's appointment and when you woke up and saw me still in bed with you you smiled real big and then hugged and cuddled me. It really made me feel special little man. I love you sooo much.

I'm getting more and more excited about our Colorado trip in a couple weeks and hope you, your mother and I all really like it there, since it's likely that's where we'll be living at least for the next three years.

Well, at work and almost time to go so chat later ok.

