Friday, March 13, 2009

21 months: Ready for our 5k

Hi Mister O,

It's mama. Today you went with Daddy & I to pick up our race bibs and timing chips for the O'Hartford 5k on Sunday. So exciting!
On Wednesday I ran from our apartment to the main library in town which is 3.52 miles away. I jogged it in 35 minutes putting my pace at a little over 10 minute miles so that's the pace I'm going to line up with at the race (you get in line by how fast you are...fastest people in the front). We're all ready to go and Papa Cesar & Lela Carmen will be bringing you down to Hartford to see the race. Yay!

My bib...I love my number!

Daddy's bib...he's such a criminal. I love his number too! Look at Daddy's quads...wowza!

My timing chip...I hope it works!