Friday, March 13, 2009

22 months: Happy Cumplemes

Hi O :)

You're 22 months old today!
2 more months until you're 2! Crazy!

Let's see...this is what you're up to lately:
  • You're talking a lot more. The words you use most are: cars, please, door, book, gurt (yogurt), moon, & out there.
  • You're really into trucks and trains and cars
  • Your favorites foods are: yogurt, raisins, veggie booty, and ice cream
  • You run wherever we go these days
  • You like Little Einsteins and Go Diego Go
  • You like Dr. Seuss books
  • You love the library
  • You love brushing your teeth
  • You swim in the bathtub now
Daddy, can you add to this list?