Tuesday, March 17, 2009

22 months: No sugar!

Hello little O :)

We had such a nice day today because Daddy didn't have to go into work until 1:30pm. I loved it! I wish he only worked half days every day...but alas someone has to bring home le bacon. Anyhoo, I had a doctor's appointment this morning which is why Daddy took a half day. It was with a hippy naturopathic doctor in town. I've been feeling really tired lately no matter how much I sleep and my regular doctor said that it's just because I'm running after you all day but I wanted to make sure it wasn't anything else so thus the hippy doctor. I was a little nervous about seeing this new doctor because my last appointment with a hippy naturopathic doctor a few years ago resulted in me leaving his office with a big vial of Vitamin B12 syringes that I was to poke into myself once a week. Oh and also an EpiPen just in case I had an allergic reaction to one of the injections. Luckily my roommate at the time was a Type 1 Diabetic so she was used to seeing needles in the fridge and didn't think anything of it. Anyhoo, I was too chicken to stab myself with a needle (you had to get it deep in the thigh tissue) so I never ended up doing it.

Anyhoo, I had to fill out this super long intake form and an 83 question questionnaire about my current lifestyle. We talked for a long time and the hippy doctor told me I have to give up sugar. Ahhhh!!!! This is much worse than having to inject myself with Vitamin B12!!! He thinks that my little sugar addiction is what's causing my fatigue because my blood sugar levels are always spiking up and down. Ahhhh!! What will I do without my cakes and cookies and ice cream?? And my white rice?!?! Go crazy, that's what! I apologize in advance, Mister O.

After my doctor's appointment we headed to Fleet Feet so Daddy could exchange his sneakers because they've been bothering him a bit. He got some other ones and then I went into the store to get my free Saucony sneakers that I won. They should be coming in the mail in about 2 weeks. Yay! We also had a yummie breakfast in town and then we came back home you took your nap and Daddy went to work. What a great way to start the day.

Sadly you fell today on the sidewalk and now your nose is all scratched up. Poor Mister O. You also have a black and blue on your knee. You definitely inhereted my clumsiness.

I love you snookie poo.
