Monday, March 2, 2009

21 months: Moving right along...again.

Hey little man,

I know it's been a while, sorry.

So let's see, your Mother and I have been running a lot of late, training for a 5K. We get up very early every Saturday and thankfully your Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar watch you while we go for our group run. Then during the week we normally run in the gym on a treadmill.

I hope to go from this 5k to a half marathon held in Boston this May, shortly after your birthday. Speaking of which, is it just me or is it amazing that you are almost 2 years old! Time does fly I tell you.

In other news, we are on countdown to our next move, for me to go to law school, and right now it's looking like we'll be headed to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado at either the University of Colorado School of Law or the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. Thinking about our upcoming move made me think about how much we've moved over the last few years!

I went from Boston/Brookline to Chapel Hill (NC) in August 2006, then to Northampton (MA) in January 2007, then to Windsor (CT) in January 2008 and lastly to West Hartford (CT) in July 2008. With this upcoming move this summer it will be five moves in three years for me, four for our little family. Hopefully this upcoming move will be the last for some time, at least three years and I would love for five years at a minimum. I hope you like the mountains little man.

It's crazy how much you've been speaking of late, you especially love to say "Yea" and are pretty cute saying it. You also love your mother and I reading books to you in bed with Eduardo, your big brother. And you love taking one hour baths! You've stretched out a bit and are getting much taller. Pretty soon you won't be my little man.

We gave up our battle to get you to sleep in your own room, and while I miss being alone with your mother at night, I have to admit it's nice cuddling you and kissing you throughout the night. Your little sweaty head is so cute to touch while you peacefully sleep.

Things right now in the world have been crazy. Poor President Obama hasn't had a minute to take a breath since he assumed office dealing with an economy that only seems to be getting worse every day and one can only hope that it doesn't get too much worse and that the hope that lead people to vote Obama into office will help this country come out stronger through all the difficult decisions our leaders are making day in and day out now.

Oh little man, another thing on the law school front. I think I've said this before but just in case I'll say it again. I hope you work real hard in high school in college to get scholarships and never have to question whether any career choices you make are for financial reasons, as I feel like I've faced for many years now. I've been fortunate to have good jobs that many people would kill to have, but have yet to have one that fills my inner soul in the way I hope becoming a lawyer will do for me one day.

I wonder if you'll like to run like me. You certainly love eating french fries, chicken and Sprite like me! Your hair is getting real long since your mother and I decided to let it grow after my last failed attempt at cutting it. Maybe for your birthday we'll get you a fresh trim.

Oh I'm going to Denver in three weeks to visit the both the University of Denver Sturm College of Law and the University of Colorado School of Law. Sadly though I'll be going alone, as the University of Denver Sturm College of Law is paying for me to fly there, stay a couple nights and fly back and since it's likely we'll all have to go back in a few months to look for apartments I'm going alone to see if I get that special feeling that tells me that either Boulder or Denver is the right place for our family to be in for the next three years.

The other night I helped this lady in this clothing store and couldn't help but wonder if you'd be a nice person to people in need when you grew up? I always like helping people and think the reason I do is both because I was raised well by my parents but also because I have compassion for those in need in this world. We must never forget that everyone benefits from people helping one another and that to help others is to help oneself reach a pureness of the soul that is cleansing.

Speaking of cleansing, I did hot yoga with your mother a couple weeks ago. It was a very long hour and half and while I enjoyed the experience it was something I likely won't be doing again any time soon. Your mother loved it and even did it again the following day! There's something about sweating so much with so many other people that doesn't quite hit the spot for me.

Oh and how can I forget that your Titi Lucy got engaged, and is leaving Brookline to move to Rhode Island to live with her lovie. With your Titi Krysten leaving home soon I wonder whether my mother will get sad at having less and less of her children around her?

Anyhow, sorry to jump around so much only you know how I get when I haven't written in some time. Hope to drop you a few lines in a week or less, si Dios quiere.

