Saturday, March 28, 2009

22 months: Colorado!

After 4 flights, a blizzard, and lost luggage we're now safely in Denver!! It's so pretty here!

The law school put us up in an amazing hotel!! We're in a one bedroom suite that's beautiful and huge and has a full kitchen and balcony and did I say it's huge? It's bigger than our apartment! We're on the 13th floor so we can see all of Denver and even the Rocky Mountains. You're right at home climbing on everything and running around like a crazy monkey and watching Mickey's Playhouse on TV. I'll go into more detail about our travel adventures later but you were absolutely wonderful Mister O. Everyone kept commenting on how well behaved you were and of course how adorable you are. I love you my little snookie wookie...thanks for going easy on me! We're going to go take a shower now so we can head up to Boulder so Daddy can see the University of Colorado...hope he likes it! Mwah!

The view from the balcony in our hotel room

You woke up laughing this morning

Eduardo survived the trip too!