Thursday, October 2, 2008

16 months: Picture post

Some recent photos of Mister O:

Eating your 16 month cumplemes cake that Papa Cesar got you

Messy, messy!

Daddy getting his shoes shined at the Big E

Crazy llamas

Cute little baby chicks

Cream puffs!

Daddy trying to win us a prize

The beads you got at the Big E parade

Tio Toti sent you a halloween card that you really liked

This photo is for Titi Lucy

We went to the ER at the Children's Medical Center the other night because you had gone under in the bathtub for a second. This brings our ER count to 3. You were fine but our pediatricians wanted to get your lungs checked out just in case. Here you are after getting your blood pressure checked with the smallest cutest little blood pressure cuff ever.

The whole hospital is like a big playroom. I told Daddy that you probably thought you were at a playgroup or something instead of the hospital.

You love fishies

The examination quickly you make a mess

And how quickly Daddy picks up after you