Friday, October 31, 2008

17 Months: Taking a deep breath


Our T FA (Tea ch For Ame rica) interviews have come and gone and I can't tell you how much more relaxing life is without the pressure of meeting the expectations of an organization that lets a computer decide on whether you should be accepted into their "corps" to help others by teaching. Isn't that funny, how competitive it is to get into T F A? It's seems like it's gotten to the point where people (students) think of it as the next logical stepping stone after college before going to grad school, and a good resume filler. Well, I guess I shouldn't sound upset, because frankly we need more energetic bright teachers in schools, and if it takes the prestige of getting into a program like T FA that so be it. Besides, looking in the mirror, why did I apply?

Which leads me to my next I really want to be a teacher? You know I've thought about teaching for sometime O, actually since I was 20 when I applied and got into a teaching program at UMass, Boston and then did the same at UMass, Amherst a year ago. But I always envisioned myself teaching students that wanted to learn and never with a son that would not allow me to put 100% of my energy into lesson plans and what not. Now, especially after hearing the stories of TF A alumni, I'm not so sure it's the right thing for me, now.

Well, in other news, it's Halloween today, and your mother and I still don't know if you'll be trick or treating tonight. Your mother took you to an event all dressed up the other night at the library, apparently your outfit was a hit (a little dragon). I must say you look so cute in your costume, one that we got for only $5 at Old Navy where it was originally priced over $20! Like your mother said, I guess procrastinating can sometimes have its benefits.

You know I was doing dishes last night while you were playing in your room and I couldn't help but think there just isn't enough hours in the day for me. Never has been. I get home and can't wait to spend time with you and your mother, only to have split my time doing dishes, cleaning, doing laundry, picking out clothes for the next work day, and so on and so forth. I think I'm going to make more of an effort to play with you whenever I can, however tired I am. And when you finally go to sleep, instead of having down time will do house chores then.

We're four days away from potentially having the first African American President in history, and hopefully I didn't jinx him by saying this but I am getting more excited. This political season has been so dragged out and nasty that I can't help but not be as excited as I was just a few short months ago. But, I thin come Tuesday night, if everything goes as I want, I'll be happy, and happy for you as much as for me, since what the next president does will affect you every bit as much as me. I love you so much O, and when I look at you and kiss your sweaty head I can't help but think how lucky I am to have you in my world. Thank you little guy, and hope I don't let you down ever.

