Sunday, October 5, 2008

16 months: Brown's Harvest

On Saturday we headed out to Brown's Harvest to get you a pumpkin. Only we ended up not getting you a pumpkin but that's another story. Your cousins were over Papa Cesar & Lela Carmen's house so we they came along as well.

Here you are in the play area going up a big slide

You went down the slide so fast that we thought you might have broken were just fine though

You look so happy to be with mama

Corn Maze! You had to hold Daddy's hand in the maze because crazy children were running around everywhere.

Your silly cousin

Look at all those teeth! You were so happy

Jalil running around

Jalil in the fire truck

Fire truck for Mister O

You start driving right away

Getting ready for our hayride

Your cousins

You love hugs from Daddy

And we're off!

Your cousins making you laugh by throwing hay around

In the woods

At the pumpkin patch

You always have an apple slice in your hand

Aww :)

Family hug

Mister O wanting to get off

My lovie is so serious

I have a hard time taking a picture of all of us

There we go

Your cousins acting crazy

You loved being pulled around in this wagon

So many toys for you to play with

Eating an apple cider donut!