Tuesday, October 21, 2008

17 months: Picture post

What you've been up to...

You like crawling into your little wagon

You're a little too big for it

But that doesn't stop you

Crazy baby

The hologram exhibit was back up at the Children's Museum

You really liked it

Everyone together at Tio Toti's birthday dinner!

Lela got to hang out with you

Your cute little cousin

Eating yummie Chinese food

Mama kisses are the best

Happy birthday Tio Toti!

Lela & Titi Krysten got to you a Costa Rica shirt...you look so cute in it!

Hanging out with Raul Jr.


Gentle, gentle, Mister O

There you go

Cousin hugs

Not sure what you're doing here


Dancing around

Tickles from Lela

Free hot dog courtesy of the Knights of Columbus at a rest stop

Look at the pretty foliage

Sneaky, sneaky

We went to go see Spongebob at a furniture store of all places

Spongebob didn't run away from us like he did at the Nickelodeon Hotel

Huggies for Spongebob

This was your favorite part...getting a Spongebob balloon

You've been playing with it for the last 3 days