Wednesday, October 8, 2008

16 months: Library

We went to the library last night and there was no one in the children's department. You had the little pre-school area all to yourself. It was actually a little creepy because usually that place is packed. As I was telling our neighbor downstairs, "people in this town love them some library!" Case in point, the library is hosting 3 different halloween parties for pre-schoolers at the end of the month. Everyone attending must have a free ticket which are available at the library. You could start picking up tickets on Monday but I thought nothing of it and when I went in last night (Tuesday) they were already "sold out" for the one I wanted to bring you to. Crazy! Anyhoo, I don't think you knew what to do with yourself without millions of children around you so just kept running back and forth but then you calmed down a little once kids started showing up.

Standing on the puppet theatre (you're not supposed to stand on it).