Sunday, September 28, 2008

16 months: System Overload

That's you sitting on the left, with a ball in your hand, watching Little Einsteins (you're not usually this calm)

Hi my little sweetie pie!

I'm so sorry I haven't updated your blog lately my little pumpkin. We've been watching TV very busy and I keep leaving my digital camera in the trunk of the car so I can't upload photos of your cute little self when we get home. Anyhoo, at the moment I'm writing a paper on Structural Adjustment Programs (boo!) in sub-Saharan Africa and I have Kanye West's Love Lockdown on repeat (you love dancing to this song). You, on the other hand, are fast asleep next to Daddy. Have I mentioned that Daddy is the best? He is! He's really stepped up to the plate with Mama in school and more demands at work and he never complains. I'm going to start calling him Father Chester or Saint Chester or something.
Back to work for me but I love you my snookie wookie. See you in a few hours!
