Monday, October 29, 2007

Week 24: Parent/Teacher Conference

Hi fluffies :)

Today was your first parent/teacher conference. We met with your primary teacher, Kim for about half an hour. Your childcare center is modeled under the Reggio Emilia approach so they take lots of photos of you to chronicle your development so she showed us photos of you and told us how engaged you are. She also thanked me for not being a crazy mama. I asked her if she could hold you more during the day and she said she'll try. She's really sad that you're leaving the center in a month. Not me though...I can't wait to have you all to myself! One more month to go!

Your Daddy is sleeping right now. He looks so cute sweetie. We were up late with you last night because you are completely off your schedule. I think you finally went to sleep at 4am. I remember when we used to be up with you every night just a few months ago. I don't know how we did it sweetie cause Mama is a mess without her sleep.

You're laughing and making lots of sounds now. I can't wait until you say Mama. I hope your first word(s) isn't hoagie buns.

Love you sweetie!
