Monday, October 1, 2007

Week 20: NYC

Hi sweetie pie :)

We went for New York City this weekend because Mommie had to do some work there. We had to bring so much stuff. My pump, your clothes, my clothes, Daddy's clothes, all of your supplies and then my work stuff. So many bags! We took the train on Friday afternoon. It was your first train ride! You did so well on the train. You looked around a lot. We had you in the car seat for some of the time and got a quad seater with 4 seats together so that was great. Everyone kept looking at you and saying how cute you were. They were all shocked when we said you were almost 5 months old. You're huge sweetie!

We got into Penn Station around 8:30pm and then took a taxi to where we were staying. We stayed in this beautiful apartment. It's the apartment of my boss's husband's mother and she's away on sabbatical for the semester so we had it all weekend. It's such an amazing apartment in Manhattan. It's a huge 3 bedroom and on the 24th floor. The view is amazing! You can see the Manhattan bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge from the apartment and so much of Manhattan. Sadly I forgot my camera so I don't have many photos of our stay. I did buy a disposal camera on Saturday night but I have to get those developed.

Anyway, we had a great time! We walked around Manhattan and took the subway and cabs. I did figure out though that I don't want to live in NYC. I love NYC but it was too loud and smelly and there were too many people. It's not somewhere I want to live with you. I felt so bad because we were in Chinatown and I had you in the mei tei and you looked so scared. You wouldn't smile or look at us. Then as soon as we got you back to the apartment you went back to your normal self. My poor snookie...overstimulation! You also got to take a shower with Daddy on Saturday and Sunday because we didn't have your tub and thought that would be the easiest way to bathe you. You two looked so cute. Anyhoo...I love love love you and I can't wait until you wake up.
