Monday, October 22, 2007

Week 23: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi O!

Happy 23rd week birthday!

Sorry I haven't written in so long. It's been a bit crazy and our digital camera isn't working so I haven't been able to post pictures.

So, what's new?

Your Papa Cesar had his surgery and it went really well. You couldn't visit him while he was in the hospital because there were too many germs around for a little baby like you. He's back home and (hopefully) taking it easy but he can't carry you for a little while since you weigh so much. Your Papa Cesar was so strong and positive. I'm sure that's helping his healing. I hope he knows how much everyone loves him.

In other news, I'm going to be a stay at home mama! I gave notice to my job and to the children's center last week. I feel so much better. I knew it wasn't right to go back to work but everyone kept telling me that it would get better and it just didn't. I always missed you and felt bad that I wasn't with you. I'll get to be with you 24/7 starting December 1st which seems so far away!

What else? We're going to be moving in with Papa Cesar and Lela Carmen in January. I'm really excited! I didn't grow up close to my extended family and I always hoped that if I had children that they would be close to their family. I hope we'll get to visit your Abuelito and Abuelita more often too when we move.

Your new thing is to stick your tongue out and make little sounds. It's really cute and you like me to copy you. Well, you're sleeping in the mei tei right now so I gotta go. I love you sweetie!
