Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week 21: Will you...

Little O,

Guess what? I asked you mother to marry me and she said YES! Yahoo! It was a wonderful weekend that just passed, well outside of you being real sick and us having to take you to the doctor's office real early Sunday, but even then it was nice to go to see the doctor together like the family we are and will be forever.

You've been having a hard time breathing, and prior to me asking your Mommy to marry I too was having a hard time breathing, thinking about when and how I was going to pop the question. What was the perfect time, where was the perfect place? We went to see Kathy Griffin at UCONN, she's a comedian, and I was hoping during the act she might mention it, since I had contacted her publicist, but sadly when the show ended I was still waiting for some mention that never came. Oh well, it wasn't meant to be, but the time and place doesn't matter anywhere as much as the feeling behind the question O. I love your Mommy and hope she will marry me and be with me forever, with you too of course.

Your Tia Lucy's partner, Ray, is doing better from a major surgery he had, and your Abuelito Jorgensen doesn't have to have a major surgery he thought he did. And your Titi Tatiana is doing great in her pregnancy, so soon enough you will have another cousin. Oh and can't forget that your Lela Carmen is doing better in the recovery of her surgery. As a family we've had some scares of late, and some left to come, but together we've done well so far and I have no fear we'll all do well in the future too.

You've been having a hard time breathing but I think slowly you are getting better, and you are getting more cute every day! Last night you fell asleep on my chest and I must have kissed your little forehead maybe a billion times, sorry. Love you so much little guy.

Got to run.

