Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week 24: Lela Carmen!

Dear Octavio,

Hey, there my Lil' One. How's life in Babyland? I was looking at your pictures on the blog and I must say - you're such a ham. I mean it in the best way possible. You just love being photographed.

It has been a hectic and sad week. My Uncle Millo passed away on Saturday. He was a great man, and I'm going to miss him so much.

My mother, your great-grandmother, arrived from Puerto Rico on Saturday. She came to be with the family in New Jersey during this loss. You'll get to meet her soon. She's going to love you. She may love you so much that she may want to stay longer (you have that loving affect on people).

Little One stay well, and take care of mommie and daddy.

Much Love,
Lela Carmen