Saturday, October 13, 2007

Week 21: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Hello Lil' Octavio. I thought I should write today, Oct.13th, a day before your 5th month- just in case I forgot. My, how you've grown these past few months. You can tell Mommie's milk is yummy and nourishing.

Well, here's an update on things...your cousin Jalil is doing fine in kindergarten and enjoys his time there. However, Yasmin got a 2nd degree burn on her arm this past Monday. She got burned with hot water from one of those Marachan instant lunch soups. She went to the doctor and they put some ointment on the burn and wrapped it up. She returned to the doctor again on Friday to have it checked and has to go back next week. Through all of this, she has been so brave and says she's fine. Her classmates actually thought she had a broken arm because of all the wrapping.

Titi Jomaira will be graduating from UCONN in December! She went to a job interview already. She's working very hard this semester. Let's wish her well.

Mommie has gotten pink eye and you are slowly recovering from your cold. Happy thoughts are sent your way so that the two of you will feel well very soon. Let's pray that your daddy doesn't get sick.

I hope to see you real soon, even though I saw you last Monday-Columbus Day, I can't get enough of your cute little face.

I pray that God will keep the three of you safe and well. Prayers also for the Fernandez and Rincon clan.

Much love,
Lela Carmen