Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 21: Sickie wickie

Good morning little O :)

I haven't posted photos of you lately because I have no idea where our camera is. Hopefully I find it soon!

So you're still sick. Lela Carmen took care of you all day on Monday and then I took yesterday off to stay with you and am taking today off as well. I'm sad that you're sick but it's been so nice spending so much time with you! I love it!

So last night when your Daddy came home I noticed that your left eye was really pink. Your Daddy saw the pink in your eye as well so we called your pediatrician a little after 6pm and they said to come in at 7:30pm to be looked at. Have I mentioned how much I love your pediatrician? They are always so helpful and ready to see you.

When we got to the office (just an hour later) I looked at your left eye and the pink was gone! You little trickster. We thought about leaving but we had already paid and were waiting so we decided to stay. Your doctor wasn't in so we saw a new doctor, Dr. Johanson. She was really nice and said that she thought you'd be okay and did still see a hint of pink so she prescribed an antibiotic for your eye.

The nurse weighed you and since Sunday you have lost 3 ounces. Daddy asked the doctor if that was okay. She said that it was typical for babies to lose some weight during a cold and that 3 ounces was still normal and that you had plenty of reserves anyway. I looked at her and said, "are you calling my son fat?" (completely kidding) and she thought I was serious and was like ummm...ahh...he's healthy...umm. I said, "I'm just kidding...he does have plenty of reserves!" Your pediatrician would have laughed at that but what can you do?

Anyway, now I'm also not feeling well and am having trouble swallowing so I hope I don't give you what I have. I think my breastmilk will have antibodies against anything I have or something. I still don't know how that works but I have an appointment with my doctor this morning so I'll ask.

What else? Oh, so Daddy mentioned that we're getting married...yay! Daddy was acting so weird the last few days and I kept asking if everything was I know what he was up to! Anyway, I'm very excited but have no idea what we're going to do in terms of a wedding so we'll have to think about it some more. I'm so happy you're going to be around for that though, it'll be so sweet!

Well I'm going to try to work from home while you're sleeping so I have to go. I love you so much sweetie and hope you feel better soon!
