Tuesday, June 14, 2011

4 years: What a weekend!

Hey little man,

Been a LONG LONG time since I took a minute to drop you a line or two, but here I am.  How could I not comment on such a wonderful weekend.  We wasted no time starting it, right after you and Johanna picked me up at the bus stop after work.  I won't go over everything since Mommy already detailed every event but I'll only add that I ran 7 miles Sunday morning and just as it was beautiful to see the Boulder waterfalls it was really nice to run with the flatirons in the background.  Think I'll miss Boulder when we leave next year.  In other news it's been real nice to play soccer and tag with you of late.  No pressure but it would be great if you ended up playing college soccer (scholarship?).  And I was most impressed at you doing the monkey bars all by yourself the other day.  I have to admit that while you've been doing much better sleeping on your own (thanks to our bribes) I do miss having you next to me in the bed.  And I know you are growing so quick that soon you won't want to sleep with us.  You are such a wonderful child and love the energy and curiosity you have, however challenging it is to sometimes get you to calm down when I can't keep up with you energy wise.  I really want to start working on your Spanish because I know how important it is to keep your culture, hopefully I'll step it up on this front soon.  I can't wait for us to go to the movies and to "a place to eat" (as you call restaurants) when you are older and we hang out.  Love you tons little man, hope you know that,

Pa (aka "Chester" - which you've been calling me a lot lately)