Monday, June 6, 2011

4 years: Circle Boulder by Bicycle

Yesterday was the Circle Boulder by Bicycle group bike ride.  I wanted to do this last year but we were busy that weekend.  Sadly, my bike was stolen a few weeks ago but Daddy wasn't here this weekend so I thought I would just ride his bike.  When I went to get it though the tires were cracking, oops!  Luckily there are about a million bike shops in Boulder so we headed downtown and rented a bike for a few hours.

The bike had a quick release so it was super easy to get your trailer on.  You were so excited!

Apparently you were taking photos while we rode to Scott Carpenter Park, the start of the ride. (Those are padded bike shorts under my skirt)

Riding on the trail.  We passed by your friend Nasar on the trail.  He was headed to the park as well.

At the park!

Registering for the Boulder 180.  There were two rides...the Boulder 360 was 25 miles and the Boulder 180 was "only" 18 miles.  I went with the 180.

Nice photo, O!

Getting ready to start (about 800 people were there).

I didn't get to take many photos since I was biking but here we are when we made a little pit stop about 8 miles in.  Everyone on the trail was saying hi to you and saying how cute you were.  When we stopped you had a little apple bar and water...

And I had a yummie Larabar!

About 5 miles later we got to the official pit stop...yay! We got off our bikes and refilled our water bottles.

Whole Foods also had yummie oranges, bananas & watermelon slices for us.  They also had oreo type cookies but I didn't let you see those.

And we're back!  Our ride took us 2 and 1/2 hours.  When you got back you wanted to climb this tree. 

You had a lot of fun on the ride, I only wish Daddy could have gone as well, he would have loved it.  You played in the park for a little bit then we rode back home.

The map of the ride.  We did the red route.